My Favorite Resources
Worth Your Time!
Resource Recommendations to Help You Parent and Mentor Most Effectively
This Week's Recommendation:
Center for Parent/Youth Understanding
Check It Out Here
If I could recommend one organization to help you connect with today's youth, it would be CPYU!
Why It's Worth Your Time
One of Purposeful Connections' three core values is cultural awareness, believing that "when adults are well-informed about current culture and the challenges youth face, deeper connections develop between them." If you're a parent, grandparent, or mentor who wants to connect more effectively with youth, CPYU will equip you! With biblically faithful resources in a variety of formats (podcasts, blogs, article links, conversation prompts, books, etc.), this is the number one organization I would recommend.
How To Use It
Spend a few minutes exploring their website.
Click on the three lines on the top right and do a "site search" of any youth-related topic you might want to know more about. This will give you an example of the resources that are available to you.
Join their email mailing list, follow one or more of their podcasts, etc. What can you subscribe to that matches your interest/needs and available time?
My personal favorites:
If you like podcasts, I love their "Youth Culture Matters" podcast which comes out approximately every few weeks. They also have the "Youth Culture Radio Show" podcast, which is a daily 1-minute podcast. Both are available through Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, etc., as well as on their website.
Under "CPYU Resources," there is a link to "Research and News." This is also extremely helpful - it's like a youth culture news aggregator, linking to articles from various sources about youth trends, research, etc. Even scanning the headlines is insightful.
Most of us have busy schedules, but make it a priority to get better equipped to impact this generation. It's "worth our time" because they're worth our time. None of us can take advantage of everything CPYU offers, but what is one thing from CPYU that you can regularly take advantage of to strengthen your connection to this generation? Remember the goal expressed in our core value of cultural awareness: deeper connections developing between adults and the youth they care about.
Note: An endorsement of an organization does not necessarily mean I endorse or agree with every word ever written or spoken by every author or speaker affiliated with them. I do find CPYU to be a like-minded organization that strives to be biblically faithful, relationship-focused, and culturally aware - our three core values at Purposeful Connections.
Check It Out Here