Water For My Camels
Worth Your Time!
Resource Recommendations to Help You Parent and Mentor Most Effectively
This Week's Recommendation:
"Water for My Camels: Navigating the Space Between Singleness and Marriage When the Bible Doesn't Talk About Dating"
Book by Paul Grimmond
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Why This Book Matters
Most dating relationships that I see in Christian schools can be summed up with something like, "We like each other, so we're going out." There's rarely intentionality, long-term planning, input from adults, consideration of what's wise and what isn't, or thinking at all about what the Bible says. Adult guidance would be very useful in many of these relationships!
It's been years since there's been a new book on dating that I thought was really worthwhile for Christian young people, but Water My Camels is finally one I would recommend. Grimmond focuses on what Scripture says about singleness and marriage and then fills in the gaps using biblical wisdom, in an inviting way and avoiding the extremes of both legalism and compromise.
The book is only 136 pages, and the last 53 pages address 51 common questions drawn from his decades of experience navigating this topic with young men and women.
How to Use This Book
If a student reads Water for My Camels on their own, I'd primarily recommend it for 11th grade and up. It would also be a great book to read and discuss together.
If the youth in your life are younger than 11th grade, they still need plenty of guidance. Middle school and early high school relationships are common, sometimes without parents' knowledge or approval. This book may be a great background resource for you personally for your formal and informal conversations with them.
If you're concerned about awkward conversations, remember that the culture talks to young people about relationships all the time. Embrace the awkward! If you don't, they'll likely accept the culture's point of view by default.
You probably won't agree with every point he makes in the book, which is fine! Discuss your disagreements and then ask what they think about it. Pursue biblical wisdom with them. Grimmond openly acknowledges when the Bible isn't clear about something and repeatedly encourages readers to seek and use wisdom.
This book will be especially helpful for teens and college-age young adults who genuinely want to know what the Bible says or who haven't thought much about it but are open to hearing it. They may be hungry for something better than what they see all around them!
Buy It Here