Vaping Isn’t Harmless
Worth Your Time!
Resource Recommendations to Help You Parent and Mentor Most Effectively
This Week's Recommendation:
“What You Need to Know and How to Talk to Your Kids About Vaping Guide”
Read It Here
"Whether a child has not yet tried vaping, has already begun to vape or vapes regularly, this guide can help you. We break down what vaping is, why it appeals to youth, what the health risks are, and what you can do to protect young people from its harms."
Why It's Worth Your Time
This excellent guide is both informational and practical.
If you can discuss vaping intelligently, your credibility in preteens'/teens' eyes will increase and they'll be more likely to listen to what you say about it. Show them you're informed.
It's not wise to assume "not my kid." Vaping happens among students who come from solid, church-going, Christian families. Some students vape in Christian schools during the school day. Even "good kids" can get sucked in.
How To Use It
The sections titled "Have Conversations" and "Try to Understand Why" are especially practical.
As I've written previously, start by asking about others.
"Do you know people who vape?"
"Do any of your friends vape?"
"Do you know how they started vaping?"
"Why do you think they do it?"
"Since they're underage, how do they usually get it?"
Then ask more personal questions:
"Have you ever been offered it?"
"Have you ever tried it?"
"Have you ever been tempted to try it?
If they have vaped, regularly vape, or have been tempted to vape, explore the reasons why and have deeper conversations.
Trying to fit in? Discuss godly friendships and identity in Christ.
Relieving anxiety? Find its causes and biblical alternatives to deal with it.
Lonely? Help them build healthy friendships.
Discuss what it means to be good stewards of our bodies.
"Do you know what it means to be a good steward of something?"
"What would it mean to be good stewards of our bodies?"
"Based on what vaping is and what it puts in your body, do you think it's good stewardship?"
This is a great opportunity to help them understand what will go into their bodies if they choose to vape.
Read It Here